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What If Your I Ching Reading Seems Not Right?


iching 3It’s not unprecedented to have the experience of a reading affirming what you definitely know – regardless of the possibility that you haven’t exactly recognized that you knew it.

Be that as it may, what do you do when the reading essentially conflicts with what you feel is correct? You’re attracted to accomplish something, you’re amped up for doing it, your expectation’s coming to fruition… and you ask Yi, and get some unspeakably negative answer. On the other hand – this transpired a couple days prior and made them consider this – you especially would prefer not to need to accomplish something, it feels all wrong, however Yi is unmistakably letting you know it’s the proper thing to do.

So I have a couple of questions about this. First, what’s happening? It’s quite normal for readings to confirm our deep knowing, and thoroughly disconcerting when they go against it. (Or maybe only appear to go against it?)

And second, how to respond? Of course, what we quite often do is to ignore the reading and do what we wanted anyway. We might come up with reasons why this reading doesn’t quite count, or doesn’t quite mean what it says, or quietly ‘forget’ it.

This may surprise you, but I actually feel that this is a good thing. We don’t, after all, consult with Yi so it can tell us what to do. It’s more… so we can be changed – become more aligned with deep reality, live more fluently, something like that. And going against a reading and getting into a nasty situation as a result (can we have a show of hands for people who’ve done that?) has to be part of the experience. It means you’re living your own life.

On the other hand, of course, this does seem perverse – not to mention disrespectful. We also don’t consult Yi so it can encourage us in our own convictions and make us feel better about doing what we planned on doing anyway – at least, I hope I don’t…

But wait.

iching 1 featuredWhat actually draws us to consult – why do readings happen at all? I think if you scratch the surface of the intention of a reading, you find a desire. Not necessarily a desire for a particular answer or outcome – though there’s always that, too – but a need to be answered. We want to feel held inside the container of conversation with the oracle – and we want to be encouraged and blessed in our ventures, to experience alignment and harmony, and to know we belong where we are. Somewhere under the surface of ‘Tell me what I want to hear!’ is a deep hunger for spiritual nourishment. It’s that hunger that pulls the whole reading experience into being: it impels you to ask, and draws the Yi to answer.

Now, that might sound as though the oracle were basically inert, until human desire starts things moving. But I think we know from experience that this isn’t really what happens. I quite often find a desire or call to consult simply ‘arising’ in me, apparently out of nowhere. I respond to the call, and cast a reading – and who can say what started this moving? Not I.

A reading is an upwelling of awareness and presence. You can experience that as the potent, benevolent presence of the oracle speaking to you – something that never gets less breathtaking – and as the growth of your own insight and understanding, carried on the same rising tide of presence.

A conversation I quite often have with beginners goes something like this,

Beginner: ‘When I read what it says, I get this really strong, clear feeling it’s saying this – but I’m not very good at readings, so perhaps I’m getting it wrong, so I’ve asked on the forum and read sixteen different commentaries, and the I Ching is really confusing…’

Me: ‘That really strong, clear feeling? That’s your reading happening.’

In that situation, when your understanding rises to meet and meld with the answer, it’s relatively easy to see that the whole ‘you vs Yi’ thing is an illusion: there’s just one emergent awareness. But what when Yi says one thing and your inner self says something completely different?

First, I think you need to recognise that a reading is still happening. Your hunger for connection is still active, still drawing out a single rising awareness and presence. It’s just that this awareness has layers – and they’re a long way apart, not quite ‘talking to one another’ yet.

So instead of the kneejerk response (well, my kneejerk response) of finding ways to distance yourself from the reading, you need to get more present to the whole process – to think about what you’re asking, and why, and what you really sought from the answer.

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Bottom line: the answer may feel completely wrong, but it isn’t. The answer may feel alienating, but in fact you have connected with the oracle and you have an answer from Yi – of course this is a blessing; what else could it possibly be? You don’t have to understand or agree with what it says for that to be true. Maybe ask –  what if this answer were kind and benevolent – how could that be?

All of which, you know, doesn’t mean you have to ‘obey’ the reading. I actually asked Yi what it would mean to go against such a reading, and received 28.2.3 to 45. We’d be stepping outside the embrace of the ‘reading container’, acting absolutely independently, investing everything in living out our own story. And this means both living to the full – because we’re connecting with our own rejuvenated will and desire, which might just be revitalised by having a reading go against it so clearly – and also complete isolation and bringing the roof crashing down on our own heads. Which shouldn’t, on the whole, be a surprise.

Improve Your Visionary


I Ching 2In some cases I think about whether the visionary limit, including a capacity to rehearse my Visionary procedures is truly accessible to everybody. It begins with holding to a dream that can “rouse you to go for broke that develop you when the planning is correct”. Visionary is essentially past numerous individuals on the grounds that the vast majority are excessively occupied and diverted, making it impossible to consider unheard of options of their convictions.

In truth, a highly visionary capacity is available to everyone … eventually. I wrote the book to serve both those who are already becoming intuitively adept and those who want to. Each of us certainly has a capacity for vision, even if few of us dissolve the box of our thinking.

How can a person develop their visionary capacity? Well, for one thing, you can improve your skill at envisioning novel results by practicing active imagination. In other words, “think different” … and think bigger. There are a lot of books that shows how to channel and focus Creative Power—the archetype that is first hexagram of the I Ching. This is divine power resource that is always there for you. Through active imagination, dreams and daydreams, Creative Power generates insights and visions. As the nursery school rhyme chants, “life is but a dream.” Yes, but it is a dream that you are creating with and for yourself. Surround yourself with objects or people that inspire you, like favorite music, time with a loved one, or meditating quietly with nature. Doing what inspires you will cultivate intuitive intelligence and creative powers.

I Ching 1You might ask: How do I be sure that my vision is real rather than wishful thinking or fantasies of my ego? In order to be sure that a vision is in alignment with who you are at depth, you can use the “heart-check” method. A trustworthy vision will connect mind, heart and soul. For some, success takes the form of a harmonious and loving family life. For others, it could translate into a strong sense of mission or purpose related to one’s vocation, or some competitive victory on behalf of a partnership, family, tribe or entire world.

As we move toward a more evolved society that spawns dreams of greater creative freedom, the ability to formulate and realize the visionary capacity becomes more essential for individuals and society. Developing your visionary potential and increasing creative freedom is part of your legacy to future generations. As we cultivate intuitive intelligence and evolve toward our human potential, we make it easier for all those who follow us. This is the path of healing the planet as well as ourselves.

The Story of I Ching


Iching 1What makes a work of art? Initially, the work must concentrate on matters of incredible significance, distinguishing essential human issues and giving some kind of direction to managing them. Second, it must address these principal issues in “lovely, moving, and huge courses,” with “empowering and welcoming pictures.” Third, it must be perplexing, nuanced, thorough, and significant, requiring watchful and rehashed study so as to yield its most profound privileged insights and most prominent shrewdness.

One might add that precisely because of these characteristics, a classic has great staying power across both
space and time. By these criteria and by most other measures as well, the Yijing certainly fits the bill. And yet it seems so different from other “classics” that instantly come to mind, whether literary works such as the Odyssey, the Republic, the Divine Comedy, and The Pilgrim’s Progress or sacred scriptures like the Jewish and Christian Bibles, the Qur’an, the Hindu Vedas and the Buddhist sutras. Structurally it lacks any sort of systematic or sustained narrative, and from the standpoint of spirituality, it offers no vision of religious salvation, much less the promise of an afterlife or even the idea of rebirth.

According to Chinese tradition, the Yijing was based on the natural observations of the ancient sages; the cosmic order or Dao that it expressed had no Creator or Supreme Ordainer, much less a host of good and malevolent deities to exert influence in various ways. There is no jealous and angry God in it; no evil presence like Satan; no prophet, sinner, or savior; no story of floods or plagues; no tale of people swallowed up by whales or turned into pillars of salt. The Changes posits neither a purposeful beginning nor an apocalyptic end; and whereas classics such as the Bible and Qur’an insist that humans are answerable not to their own culture but to a being that transcends all culture, the Yijing takes essentially the opposite position. One might add that in the Western tradition, God reveals only what God chooses to reveal, while in traditional China, the “mind of Heaven” was considered ultimately knowable and accessible through the Changes.

The “absolute gulf between God and his creatures” in the West had no counterpart in the Chinese tradition. Yet despite its brevity, cryptic text, paucity of colorful stories, virtual absence of deities, and lack of a sustained narrative, the Yijing exerted enormous influence in all realms of Chinese culture for well over two thousand years — an influence comparable to the Bible in Judeo-Christian culture, the Qur’an in Islamic culture, the Vedas in Hindu culture, and the sutras in Buddhist culture. What was so appealing about the document, and why was it so influential?

For those who think of themselves as secular, rational, and scientific, the Yijing seems to be a work of “awesome obscurity,” full of unfamiliar symbols and cryptic sayings, and reflecting a worldview sometimes described as “mystical” or “prelogical.” And for those of a more religious disposition, the lack of a cosmology based on the willful actions of a god or gods seems equally puzzling. In either case the Changes appears to be little more than a series of briefly annotated broken and solid lines that have no meanings except for those arbitrarily imposed on them by centuries of often-conflicting Chinese commentaries.

Iching 3Yet there is logic to the work, which, for at least three thousand years, China’s greatest minds have sought to fathom and articulate. Into the twentieth century, the Yijing occupied a central place in Chinese culture, from the realms of philosophy, religion, art, and literature to those of politics and social life. Thinkers of every intellectual persuasion found inspiration in the language, symbolism, and imagery of the Changes. The work also inspired many impressive artistic and literary achievements, and it provided an analytical vocabulary that proved extraordinarily serviceable in virtually every area of elite and popular culture, including science and technology. In premodern times, Chinese scientists used Yijing-derived symbolism, numerology, and mathematics to explain a wide range of natural processes and phenomena in the fields of knowledge that we now call physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, medicine, meteorology, and geology. And even today many devotees of the Changes see in the mathematical symbolism of the document the seeds of modern scientific theories, from the binary logic of computers to the structure of DNA. In short, to understand much of Chinese history and culture, we need to understand the Changes.

From the Han dynasty (206 BCE–220 CE) through the Qing (1644–1912 CE), the Yijing remained a work of enormous and unchallenged scriptural authority; everyone in Chinese society esteemed it and employed it in some way, from emperors and officials to artisans and peasants. Commoners used pages from the book as a charm to ward off evil, and scholars gave it pride of place as “first among the [Confucian] classics.” Although the document contains few explicit references to supernatural beings or supernatural forces, it has always had a profoundly spiritual dimension. Indeed, the Changes describes itself as “the most spiritual thing in the world.” By virtue of its spiritual power, we are told, the Yijing “lets one know what is going to come, and by virtue of its wisdom, it becomes a repository of what has happened.” But whereas most religious traditions, both East and West, have emphasized the activities of a god or gods as an explanation for cosmic processes, devotees of the Changes have long held the view that such explanations reside in the cosmic powers embodied in its lines, trigrams, and hexagrams.

The central preoccupation of the Yijing throughout the imperial era (from the Han to the Qing) was how to understand the patterns and processes of nature, and how to act in harmony with them. The most common term for nature in premodern China was Dao, usually translated as “the Way.” Although this longstanding metaphysical concept had neither a personality nor a particular identity, it remained an overarching unifying truth among the Chinese in the same general sense that concepts such as Yahweh, Allah, God, Brahman, and Ultimate Reality were in the Judaic, Islamic, Christian, Hindu, and Buddhist traditions, respectively. To fathom the Dao was to understand the various types of change in the universe, from the cosmic to the mundane, from recurrent cycles of movement — ebb and flow, rise and decline, advance and retreat — to physical and metaphysical transformations. From this sort of understanding came an appreciation of proper timing and positioning, essential in a culture where the ritual ideal had always been to do the right thing, at the right time, in the right place, facing the right direction.

The Yijing’s great prestige and multifaceted cultural role in China naturally commended it to several civilizations
on the Chinese periphery — notably Korea, Japan, and Vietnam — each of which had long been influenced significantly by Chinese philosophy, religion, art, literature, and social customs. In all these environments, the Changes enjoyed an exalted reputation, and in each it was employed in a variety of cultural realms, as it had been in China. The process of transmission in East Asia was relatively uncomplicated — in part because the classical Chinese language in which the Yijing was written served as the literary lingua franca of virtually all educated Korean, Japanese, and Vietnamese elites until the late nineteenth century. Despite this powerful cultural common denominator, however, over time the Changes came to be used and understood in ways that reflected the particular needs and interests of the host environment, and in the process the Yijing became domesticated.

Iching 2Similar processes of appropriation and adaptation took place much later in the West, but for somewhat different reasons and with sometimes radically different results. First, the Yijing had to be translated into various Western languages by scholars who had different levels of language ability and different political, religious, or personal agendas. In East Asia the Changes remained part of the dominant culture into the twentieth century, whereas in Europe and the Americas, particularly during the 1960s and 1970s, the radical otherness of the Yijing led to its use primarily as a countercultural document. To be sure, some individuals — Christian missionaries in particular — tried to find affinities between the Changes and the Bible, and scholars of various sorts sought to understand the document on its own terms, as a historical artifact rather than a living document. But on the whole the Yijing served in the West as a tool for challenging the establishment rather than supporting it.

Consulting the I Ching


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The I Ching has long been shrouded in mystery. The name itself is intriguing, surely it would take years to master this ancient tool! On the contrary, the I Ching isn’t something that can be learned.  Rather, it is something that is done.  Accessing this ancient wisdom is relatively easy.

To begin, you will need a copy of the I Ching, a pen and paper and three coins. Once you have gathered your supplies you will first  ask a question. This question does not need to be asked out loud, but you do need to concentrate. Your question shouldn’t be something that requires an instant answer, rather ask something that can be developed over time.  This will help guide you to the manifestation of what your soul truly desires.

As you contemplate your question, toss the coins.  Look at them from the bottom to top, not the top to bottom as our Western minds tend to glance.  Now record the results and compare them:

2-tails with 1-head this is the Yang /solid line

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1-tail with 2-heads this is the Yin/broken line

3-heads Changing Yang/solid line with a knot in it.

3 tails Changing Yin/line broken x.

Do this six times to indicate a hexagram

If your coins  indicate no change in the Yin or Yang you will skip your next step.  If there is a changing Yin or Yang, cast the coins again to draw a second hexagram to use the opposite symbol

Look up the hexagram or hexagrams in the I Ching. If you have two hexagrams, the first represents the current situation.  The second hexagram represents the answer to the question.  You can find charts that will direct you to one of the 64 corresponding chapters of the I Ching.

The I Ching readings will not give you an instant, straightforward reading.  You will need to mediate on the reading and your answers will sink into you.   The readings are merely suggestions to lead you to the right place.  Now that you have guidance, answering the questions is up to you.

The Odds in I Ching


iching odds 2What is the significance of odds in I Ching coin tosses? I Ching (or Yijing) is an ancient Chinese book of truth and knowledge. It has deep roots in early magic and divination. Tossing coins is believed to be one way of consulting the oracle of that truth and knowledge about a specific question.

You can use a set of three of any kind of two-sided heads-or-tails-type coins for I Ching coin tosses. Consulting the oracle consists of a set of six tosses of the three coins, keeping that question in mind. Each toss of three coins represents one line of a six-line diagram. The six-line diagram created by the six tosses in the set draw on the ancient wisdom of the oracle in a way that is parallel to your intuition.

But the question remains, what are the odds? And how do they break down?

iching odds 1It sounds complicated, but it’s really pretty simple. In any toss of the three coins, each coin lands either “heads” (up, or Yin), or “tails” (down, or Yang). So there are eight different combinations in which the three coins can land.

One of the eight possible combinations is three heads. Another possible combination is three tails. When you get three heads or three tails, it’s considered a “changing” line. Statistically, the odds are against this. Each is probable just once out of eight possible combinations or, expressed fractionally, 1/8 of the time.

There are three possible ways to get two heads and a tail, and three possible ways to get two tails and a head. These combinations are considered “static” lines in the diagram. The two heads, one tail combination and the one head, two tails combination are each probable three out of the eight possible combinations or, expressed fractionally, 3/8 of the time.

So on average, you can expect to get one or two changing lines out of six for every time you toss the I Ching (1/8 plus 1/8 equals 1/4–remember your math?). It’s somewhat unusual to get no changing lines. This can be interpreted to indicate that the situation or relationship you asked the oracle about is fairly stable for the time being.

In summary, using the I Ching three-coin toss method, your odds of getting a changing Yang line are 1/8, a changing Yin line are 1/8, a static Yang line are 3/8, and a static Yin line are 3/8. Why not try your odds right now? All it takes is a question and three coins!

I Ching is the world’s oldest oracle


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFor over four thousand years, the I Ching has been a wise oracle for the world.  In ancient  China, kings and wisemen relied on the I Ching for guidance.  This system uses over three-hundred thousand six line yin/yang hexagrams.  Each one of these combinations depicts a kind of human condition or characteristic.

The Work of the I Ching

Psychologist Carl Jung studied the oracle I Ching for three decades. He explained the how it works: it helps wake up one’s intuition and guides a person through problems that logic doesn’t understand by working with the subconscious mind.

I Ching uses archetypes, the essence of the qualities of personality that humans are capable of.   Each of the hexagrams used in I Ching is seen as one archetype. This system is similar to the Tarot’s seventy-eight archetypes.

Jung called the second half as the Synchronicity Principle. This says that all things are connected throughout time and space.

It is hard for us to understand how things happen because it doesn’t make sense if we use logic.  But these things do make  a bit more sense when you think of what is called “meaningful coincidence”  his is where I Ching comes in.

When the coins are cast, the way they land can be scene as a connector to the way everything happens.  We can make sense of this when we recall what we were thinking of when the coins were cast.

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I Ching as a fortune teller

In the full I Ching reading, which does include a hexagram for the future, you will get an idea of what can probably happen. The way things do, in fact, turn out has to do with what you, the individual decides. It is all connected on how the individual adapts.  The reading of the I Ching gives an overview of what is happening in the past and present and it gives you a guideline on what can happen in the future. This type of reading can help you view things in your life that you may have not seen before.  Regardless of what you may have heard, the I Ching is a meditative tool that gives advice and insight.  It does not tell a fortune.

Is online I Ching Reading accurate?

The reason I Ching readings are effective and energizing is because the individual is interacting with their now destiny.  The synchronicity is created by the invidual and the coins. You should only use an online I Ching provider you trust so your reading doesn’t get taken over.

What questions should you ask I Ching?

The I Ching can give you a clear view on issues that can not be thought out logically.  This includes work issues, relationships, family problems and spiritual well-being.

What is the I Ching?



Well that’s a loaded question. The simple answer is that “I Ching” translates to “Book of Changes”. The Chinese have created in it (and continue to build) the oldest oracle text in the world. The I Ching is a collection of texts covering a range of topics like philosophy, psychic discovery, and general wisdom. It includes poetry and prose, artwork and advice. Everything is divided between 64 chapters, each of which has a corresponding hexagram.

A hexagram is a stack made of 6 lines. Some are solid lines and some are broken. There are multiple methods to building your hexagram. You can flip a coin or pull marbles from a bag. Yarrow sticks are also a popular choice. Each coin flip tells you whether to use a broken or solid line until your hexagram is complete. Then, you can reference the corresponding chapter of knowledge to seek guidance. The picture made with your hexagrams sticks is actually supposed to represent the energy flowing through your situation, which can give some insight depending on the type of guidance you’re looking for.

What can I Ching do?

The I Ching answers your questions. It boils your situation down to it’s fundamental layers and then offers insight based on those elements. One of it’s most popular uses is to give advice regarding relationships. I Ching can tell you how to resolve disagreements with those you care about by giving you feedback about the other person’s perspective. This is an invaluable tool when communicating with the other person is not easy.

Is I Ching a Fortune teller?

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I Ching is not a divination tool in the popular sense. It can predict, but only as far as telling you what challenges to expect depending on the path you choose going forward. It will not predict decisions you have yet to make. It can, however, give you advice on how best to make those decisions; and that is still highly-valuable. Your future is still up to you.

How do I learn to use it?

The best way to begin understanding how the I Ching works is to jump right in. Find a translation (not a summary) and start asking questions. Like Tarot, you can just cast a spread for the day with no specific inquiry in mind. Review it at the beginning of the day, and then analyze it again at the end. Over time you’ll cast different hexagrams and start to understand how they apply to your life.

Understand that the imagery in the I Ching dates back millenia. It may be a challenge at first to apply the advice you receive to modern-day situations. A divination reader may be helpful early on to help you see how the guidance applies to you. If you want answers quickly, enlist this sort of mentor.

Don’t I need Psychic abilities?


Not at all. The I Ching does not hide it’s insights away. You just need patience and an open mind to discern the message it is sending. You will start out understanding the hexagrams at their most basic level. The more you work, the more information you will glean from it.

Who uses the I Ching?

The I Ching has been slow to catch on in Western cultures, probably because it is not easy to simplify down to black and white interpretations that are easy to digest. Each experience with it is highly personalized and so it requires more effort starting out than other divination methods. It is also difficult to find quality and thorough translations of the original texts, and simplified version do a disservice to your divination efforts. But it is usually not difficult to find a knowledgeable I Ching practitioner, as many have spent decades studying this practice. Do not feel that it is too late to gain the wisdom available to you. The I Ching is a wonderful advisor to your best life.

The Methods of the I Ching


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There are two commonly known ways of communicating with the I Ching. These are the Coin Toss Method and the Yarrow Stalk Method.  Both of these are verifiable ways to  create the hexagrams vital to the consultation that will lend insight into the questions of human life.

Yarrow sticks are not easily handled, particularly since it uses forty-nine sticks in random piles.  This is why the most used method of consultation is tossing coins.  This is much easier because it uses only three coins, simply tossed six times to create the lines of the hexagram.

The yarrow stalk way is complicated as it requires the selection of fifty sticks. Out of these only forty-nine are used.  They are divided into piles. Then a stalk is selected from the pile to the right of the reader. This stalk is drawn between two fingers of the left hand.  The left pile is sorted by fours so that the remaining can be held with between the ring and middle finger.   This is then repeated with the other pile to create one change.  The two piles are then combined so that this process can be done another two times, except both of these times only four-eight stalks are selected. This may seem to get complicated as the changes must then be added to the factors of nine, which makes a yang, also knowns as firm moving line.


The reason behind this particular ritual is divined from the nature of the world and the New I Ching Matrix System.  If you use fifty stalks, it represents this diagram. If you take out one that one represents Oneness and Wholeness. The forty-nine stalks divided by two stand for Heaven and Earth.   The single stalks taken from the pile stand for Heaven, the Earth and the Human.  The pile counted by four stands for the separate seasons of the year.  The others stand for the remaining months. The repetitions form the hexagram.  Using the Yarrow Stalks is the best way to put to use the I Ching Book of Changes

The popular use of the tossing of coins  is due to the complicated nature of the stalks.  The three coins stand for The Heavens, The Earth and the Humans. The three coins are tossed six times. This forms six lines of the hexagram. Since the seasons are not used in this method, the Chinese animals and the accompanying six stars of animals are used along with the five elements associated with the month and year with the lunar calendar.

I Ching and the 3 coins


images (3)I Ching is an ancient Chinese divination method. They use a series of coin tosses using 3 identical coins with identifiable heads and tails to determine an I Ching hexagram. I Ching book contains about 64 hexagrams, each is identified by a number and name. A hexagram is a figure composed of six horizontal lines, each line is either Yang (an unbroken line), or Yin (broken line with a gap in the center). The hexagram lines are counted from the bottom up, so the lowest line is line one while the top line is line six.

Ask open-ended questions:

The process simply is to ask open-ended question in your mind because it doesn’t return yes or no answers, then toss the three coins 6 times, assign the value, and record it to create a hexagram.

  1. Ask your open-ended question, For example, “Will I become rich?” or “What will my finances look like this year?”


2. Hold the coins loosely ( any three coins of the same denomination, with heads and tails, will do fine), shake the coins briefly and toss them. Add up the values of the three coins, the total should be 6,7,8 or 9. Each head is 3 and each tail is 2, so if you get 2 tails and one head, then the total would be 2+2+3=7. Write down the result. This is the line 1 (the bottom line) of the hexagram.

3. Collect the coins and toss them another 5 times. And each time, write down the result above the previous result, from bottom up. After you finish tossing, you should have a column of 6 digits ranging from 6-9

4. Now, translate each number into a hexagram line, for example:

a) Number 6 is a moving Yang line, translated into unbroken line with an X in the middle.

b) Number 7 is a stationary Yang line, translated into a unbroken line.

c) Number 9 is a moving Yin line, translated into a broken line with a little circle in the middle.

d) Number 8 is a stationary Yin line, translated into a broken line.

5. Now, you have 6 vertical lines, which represent your primary hexagram.

6. To obtain your secondary hexagram, convert every moving Yang line (unbroken line with an X in the middle) to a stationary Yang line (unbroken line), and every moving Yin line (a broken line with a little circle in the middle) to a stationary Yin line (a broken line). Refer to the Hexagram Finder below to find the corresponding hexagram number and descriptions.

The Primary hexagram represents the current situation and the secondary hexagram represents the ending situation.


You can also refer to I Ching book, to understand the meaning of your hexagram, or you can go online and find a list of hexagram interpretations. Some websites allow you to enter the results of each of your tosses by selecting the line that showed up. Once you enter all six lines, it will locate your proper hexagram and receive the meaning.

Know The 6 Benefits of I Ching


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The oracle I-Ching has helped guide people through dilemmas and problems for centuries.   The I-Ching or, as it’s also known, the Book of Changes, offers guidance over the immediate as well as changes that happen over time.

The  I-Ching was first written about in 1000 BC. Confucius expanded on the interpretations four centuries later.  Over history, the I-Ching has been used by leaders and wise men all over China.  It has been used not only as a guide but also as an assistant to political and military leaders.

Rather than the human oracle we may be thinking of, like the prophets and the Oracle at Delphi,  The I Ching is a guide that you can learn how to use without involving a third party or person to help guide you.   The I Ching can help you encourage your own intuition.

 The benefits of I Ching


The one constant in life is change. Change will happen whether you like it or not.  Nowadays we are told to manage change.  The I Ching is a change management tool that has a centuries old plan.

Using the I Ching can help sharpen your decision making skills and improve our time management skills.

Better decisions.  

Our level of success and happiness is reliant on good decision making.  As we face challenges, sometimes several at once, we tend to respond emotionally. This can leave us feeling inadequate  and will definitely leave us feeling flustered and unsure. The I Ching can give immediate access to the kind of principles that can calm us down and help reassure us.

Mental clarity.  When you consult the I  Ching, you should have a designated space to put yourself in the right mindset. This process alone can help you calm down and focus on the problem or question at hand.

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Focused relaxation.  If you calm yourself down you automatically become in the perfect frame of mind for creativity.  The I Ching will let you focus on your problems in a less stressful frame of mind by lining up the subconscious and unconscious parts of your mind. When these two parts of your mind connect you are prime from wisdom and effectiveness.

Non-attachment and greater objectivity Consulting the I Ching functions between the logical mind of your problem and the questioning nature of your inquiry. The casting part of your I Ching ritual will help you detach yourself from your problem.  When you separate yourself from the problem, the less emotionally you will be, making the dilemma easier to handle, regardless of what you see in your reading.

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Answers that ring true.

To truly benefit from the I Ching, you should be receptive to any ideas that may spring to mind.  Remember that it is your reading and your interpretation.  It will bring you your own insight. It will be a reading that is tailor made for you.

Clear intuition.  Consulting the I Ching helps harness  your intuitive nature because it gives your subconscious the chance to create a pattern. The interpretation of the pattern stretches your intuition. You don’t take it literally . It guides you. It doesn’t dictate.

i-Ching Psychic Readings