Why Are Psychics Asked “When” So Often


One of the most common questions psychics are asked is “when” something will happen to the querent.  When are they meeting their true love?  When are they going to receive news about that wonderful job opportunity?  When are they going to die?  No one have the gift of knowing exactly when a specific action will happen.  Instead, readers are able to sense a period of time one is more prone to receiving this information, like in a few weeks, a season, or possibly years.

It’s all in the timing

Timing is tied to astrological patterns.  Psychics will examine a person’s natal chart to answer pressing questions and understand timing for the specific area of concern.  Wondering about an upcoming property sale is related to one’s financial situation.  Wondering about meeting that special someone is related to one’s ability to receive and give love.  The answers to the “when” timeframe relays action steps a person should take to empower themselves.  Often people overly focus on when something will occur rather than when they should take action to make their goals a reality.

Typically, “when” questions pop up when a person is anxious, fearful, or upset.  It can arise during moments of anger when they can transfer this negative to a person or situation.  Know, that being upset is okay and natural.  Psychics often are gifted healers create space during a reading to hold energy for you and regard this time with you as a sacred and safe space for you to process your feelings and any messages being received.

Universal Divine Law

When interpreting a “when” question, psychics reflect on the more pressing facet, is the desire action likely to occur.  Is there a cosmic connection between two people?  Does a certain job serve the querent’s life purpose or spiritual growth?  Exact timing is dependent on an array factors gelling perfectly with Universal Divine Law.

Timing is subjective

Adopt a mindset that timing is subjective!  A couple may be destined to be together, but it could take a number of years for their timing to be aligned due to a need to learn certain lessons.  No amount of anxiety or wishing will change this fact!  Take time during the reading to delve deeper and uncover your inner wisdom.  Are there steps we can take today to better prepare ourselves for a successful outcome of your desires?  By growing your self-awareness, you are able to transform your state of mind and set yourself up to be in the best place possible when your moment of opportunity arises.

We’re on God’s timeline

Time doesn’t matter to the Divine the way it matters to humans.  It is humanity that has established the ways time is measured and marked.  Thus, this can be why predicting future outcomes is imperfect at best.  Trying embracing a focus on the “now” rather than the “when.”  A helpful adage to remember is “Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is not promised to us.  But today is a gift, and that is why it is called the “present.”