Day Light Worker

Day Light Worker

Being a light worker means that you are focused on healing and that you have a way to have a positive message and to help people to get through bad things in their life.

When you use the term light worker people in the past had ran from it but once people realized that being a light worker was a blessing and that it can be used as a source of healing, it has been looked on differently.

Knowing your role as a healer can help you to see that there is a battle in the light, and you can learn to hold your light better and help others to do this as well.

Our bodies are made of light and our cells will vibrate and help us to tune into positive things.  There are things that are bad in the universe and are negative and so when we feel bad or that we are not evolved then we have to understand that light is good and bad and that being enlightened helps our souls to feel with one and not separate from the universe.

Ancient Role

There is a thing called a sin eater that means that this is a connected person that no longer is able to serve themselves and they feel shamed and in pain and full of grief.

Rather than allowing things like this to stay in their body, they have to learn to let these things go and to figure out how to heal.  As a healer, it is your job to help people that are feeling like this to heal and when you can stand in light and love you can offer them a safe place to heal.

A sin eater is when sin or a person that has died has evolved to the family and has followed the lineage of their lives.  This means a person can be consumed and where the sins from the father are passed down to them.

This is not a good place to be and can cause people to be outcasts and they can rely upon rituals that will help them.  People need to get rid of their burdens and their journey can be different and the sins that they are living in can cause them to not have salvation.

A client can have light, and this can make them to feel better and can free them from their feelings.  They will have a desire to be psychics and energy healers and can see through how other people act and can learn to not judge others or shame them.  We have to get our own light stronger.

Healing Others

IF you want to see others heal then you have to remove things form your own life.  You have to remove the ancient sins and release the spirits of these sins form their body.  You can do this through acupuncture and through other ancient forms of healing.  Doing this can increase the vibrations.

Paradigms of Healing

There are of course, traditional healings and there are changing tools that allow people to shift their modern processes.  The role of being enlightened means to get rid of the negative things on this earth and to raise the vibrations.

We can protect ourselves and set boundaries when our vibrations are low and learn to use light to keep ourselves from being overly exhausted.  We an learn to live opposite of what is being asked of us and this can bring peace and joy.

We can get rid of pain that is inflicting us and learn to respond in way that are positive and without anger.

The role of the healer is to help to remove the negative feelings and to release the person from their sins and let them see light.

When we do this, we are serving the role of the planet by getting rid of this problem.

Being a Lightworker

When you are a light worker things can be hard.  You have to learn that nothing makes you special and that you have a burden that you have to bear. This means that you will have to work extra hard to help people and that when you are gifted that you might not evolve.

A healer has to be sensitive and has to have burdens for others and do their part to carry the burdens of people.

We see that healing can transform and change old beliefs and can allow them to service people and to change the plant.  When we love we share the power to give peace to others.  We don’t fix others we just remind them that they are full of light.

It is unconditional love that a light worker will offer people and this light will illuminate the universe and you do this without judging others and just bring in light.

As alight healer, you embrace love and you are a portal for healing.  You separate your feelings and you learn to take care of others and to embrace them and be a light for them.