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What Does it Mean to See a Fox?


The fox is an animal that has a strong reputation because of the fact that it is very sneaky and crafty. When you look at the fox and what it means in your spiritual life, you will see that the idea that this animal is a very clever creature makes it a very important animal in the totem.

Sometimes, different cultures see animals differently and the Native Americans for example will see the fox as one of the best guides that someone can have. If you are on a life path, the fox can come to you and be sent by the universe to help you to discover who you are.

There are ways that you can know what the fox means in the spiritual world, so keep reading.

Being Aware

The idea of being aware is important because it helps you to be able to adapt to the place that you are. If you are in different situations, you might find that you need the fox to guide you.

If the fox is your spiritual animal, then you will learn that it never changes. This is an animal that is very aware and is able to know what the information says and to use it for their advantage. The fox means that you are strong in your senses and that you need to get out of your own comfort and try something new.

Pay attention to what is going on around you and be wise in all things.


Being stealthy can be great for someone, especially someone that is negative in life. A person that is stealthy is able to know when something is wrong and when there is trouble in their life.

The fox knows when trouble is coming, and they learn to get low to the ground and adapt to wherever they are so that they can survive. The fox knows it needs to be safe. The fox will encourage you to be strong and to use your intuition to guide you when you need to be safe.

Once you learn to look at your surroundings, blend into them and you know what is going on, you can anticipate what is going to come to you and learn to be guided correctly.

Dreaming of the Fox

If you dream of the fox, chances are that you need to face obstacles in your life. You need to look at your emotions and see what is going on inside of you.

Our emotions can be hard to deal with someone’s and if there are times where you need to face your emotions, you can see that this creature can help you.

This animal works alone most of the time and when you dream of this animal, it can mean you are lonely and that you need to be with other people. This can also mean that you need some alone time to learn who you are and to grow stronger.

Look at what the dream is telling you and you will know what direction that you need to go.

Having Grace

The fox is full of grace and can move slowly and steadily. It is light on its feet, and this can mean that you need to tread lightly on your path.

You might need to look at the situations that are happening and see if you feel tricked? If you need to move faster, go, and do not wait. The fox is able to focus on what is going on around it and make fast decisions. You need to look at what is going on that is challenging you and work through it.

Never let things trick you and learn who you are inside.

Your Spirit Animal

No matter if the fox or another animal is your spirit animal, if it visits you then it is trying to give you a message. Look at how you see the animal that is part of your life and embrace whatever it is trying to tell you. Be strong in who you are and courageous in your journey.

Signs the Third Eye is Starting to Help You See

Third Eye

Enthusiasts of the paranormal have known about the third eye, even though it is now known to be the pineal gland. The third eye is a manifestation of deep insight and psychic powers. There are likely times when you have experienced a sense of something that was about to occur, even though it did not come for several days. These times can be overwhelming if you do not know what to do with them. However, you can gain knowledge to enrich your spiritual journey. If you think your third eye is open, but do not know for sure, you should read on to make sure you are on the right track.

Increasing Pressure in the Head

A very common symptom of an open third eye is a growing pressure between the eyebrows. This may be an intense sensation or a pulsing feeling. This will fade over time so there is no need to worry. Some may experience a feeling of warmth spreading across the forehead, but this is normal.


There may be times when you experience instances of foresight into future events. This may be a tug in the tummy that something will occur or something else. Do not ignore this form of intuition, instead letting it drive you forward. It can be scary at first, but it is fully controlled by you which is important to remember.

Sensitivity to Light

As the third eye continues to expand, you may be light sensitive because you are literally perceiving the world in a new light. You may also see colors that appear more vivid. Polarized sunglasses can often help deal with this until you become accustomed.

Gradual Changes

As you become more in sync with the spiritual self, you can enjoy the new view of the world. You may become more forgiving, loving, and even calmer. The changes may alter your diet to make it healthier as your third eye clears. These changes are for your good and you are being guided to healthier choices. Monitor these changes because they serve as verification.

Power Manifestation

Those with an active third eye can often manifest psychic powers. Two prominent examples are those of telepathy and clairvoyance. Even if these are unfamiliar, do not fear the powers, instead embrace them.

Beyond the Obvious

Although it can be burdensome to know and see more than others, your third eye will allow you to spot half-truths and slogans that are not good for you. The clarity of thought will help you make right and healthy decisions.

Heightened Sense of Self

The final sign is one most overlook. This is that an open third eye will increase the sense of self and see yourself as part of the fabric of the universe. This will allow you to be more self-reliant and be successful in ways you had only previously dreamed.

Experiencing the signs of an active third eye may be scary or confusing at first, but knowing how to deal with them helps. Try calming activities and meditation to stay connected to your spiritual self. Regardless of the path you choose, know the manifestations are a true blessing that should be embraced.

Working with Angels

Working with Angels

Working with angels is something that will help to bring goodness and blessings in your life. When you work with your angel guides, they will change your life and give you meaning.

If you suffer from mental issues such as anxiety or depression, or if you have a hard time knowing what you should do next in your life, talking to your angels can give you miracles and make things better.

The angels can influence your life as much as you want to let them. If you are someone that has experienced working with angels, you should be passionate about talking about them and showing other people how great the angels are for you.

Having angels in your life can fulfill your life and bring you joy and peace.

Before you work with angels, you need to know that you have angels that come to help you. Do not use angels meaning one kind of angel or one kind of sex of angels. The angels are not religious things but are beings that help us.

People have at least two angels at one time working with them and there is no exception ever to this rule. Nothing you can do can make your angels love you more or less because they already love you unconditionally.

Everyone can learn to listen and hear their angels. The angels will tell them things that they need to do if they listen, they will hear.

Here are some ways that you can hear your angel guides:

  • Talk to them.
  • Call on them.
  • Call them by name.
  • Ask them to come to you.

The first thing that you can do is to ask your guides to remove anything that is holding you back from hearing them. This can help to remove blockages and help them to guide you and give you the wisdom that you need in your life.

Do this before you go to bed at night and when you are sleeping, chances are that you might dream of your guides, and you will be able to understand the messages that they are giving to you.

You can talk to your angels all day every day. If you are stressed or upset, talk to your guides, and ask them to change your mood and to help you to be stronger.

Next, you need to trust your angels. You need to trust that they are there for you and trust that they will give you what you need. They are there to bring you goodness and to help you to manifest things into your life.

The great things with working with your angels guides is that you can learn to trust them by the signs that they give you. Ask them to give you signs and then trust them. The more signs that they give you the better you will feel. They can help you to know that they are there by letting you get chill bumps on your body.

The last step to work with your angels is to be willing to receive the messages that they give you. This can be a hard step and when you are having a hard time receiving things then you will not get what you need to get. You have to deal with your issues and your emotions, and the angels will help you.

Learn to be aware of your guides and let them guide you in all the things that you do. Say yes to your guides when they come to you and let them bless you and bring things into your existence.

What is a Clairvoyant and Are You One?

What is a Clairvoyant and Are You One?

A clairvoyant person is one that is able to see things that are beyond what they see with their eyes. Clairvoyance is a French word that means, “clear seeing” and it is a psychic giftings that some people have. This allows you to see the energies around you and to use things beyond your five senses. It takes information from the spirit and gives it to you.

Many people refer to clairvoyance as spiritual seeing. This means that you are using the third eye chakra or other parts of your body to see things that others don’t.

Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means wheel and when the chakras are balanced and stronger, they can give you information that can help you to know things other people don’t know.


A person that is clairvoyant can use the energy around them and see things such as movements, images, light and more.

These are regular people they are just more in tune with the spirit world.

Psychics and Clairvoyants

Clairvoyance is a psychic gifting but not all psychics are clairvoyant. The term psychic can be a term that is used in different ways. It can be someone that sees into the future, someone that hears things, someone that can speak using their mind, someone that can tell the future and more.

Psychic is a word that is a Greek word that means, “soul energy.” Since everything is made of energy, we are able to use this energy to read into things and to know things every day.

We have a mind, body and soul and we have to make sure that we take care of all parts of us so that we can be strong. Being on a spiritual path is the psychic part of you but you also need to work out, eat healthy, sleep well, and listen to what your body needs.

Since we have a soul, that is made up of energy and this is the part of you that can be psychic. Some people have psychic abilities, and they can know things they get from the spirit world.

A person that is clairvoyant can use their third eye chakra to embrace their psychic giftings.

Why Be a Clairvoyant?

When someone is clairvoyant, it means that they are able to see things into the psychic field. This can be hard for some people, and it can cause them to be anxious or stressed. It can cause them to have energies that they don’t understand.

When we look at clairvoyance, this is a gifting that is exciting, and it can help ourselves and others around us. It can help us to meet our dreams and to find out new things.

This giftings can help you to discover what to do in life, make good choices and see things beyond what we are used to seeing.

If you have questions about your life, you can find the answers by talking to a clairvoyant. Each part of your life is an adventure, and you can discover more about who you are and what you are to do in life.

Can Anyone Be Psychic?

Everyone has the ability to be psychic and more people can develop these giftings and be good at what they do. They can figure things out in the psychic world, and they can learn to trust themselves and their abilities and they can be stronger than ever.

Just like learning to run, ride a bike, drive a car and more, you can learn to use your psychic giftings. This can help you to be more confident and help you to be stronger in what you do.

At first you might just see colors but as you look at energy different and develop your gifting, you will see that you can see different things and stronger things.

Being clairvoyant can teach you to see images and other things and as you strengthen your gifting you can see energy all around you.

Becoming a Clairvoyant

You don’t have to work to be a clairvoyant, it is a gift that comes to you. This is found in your head and can help you to function differently than others do.

When you close your eyes and see things, this is where your clairvoyant gifts come from. You have to get into the right place in your mind and body and get into your head to see things better.

When you want to develop your gifting, there are people that will shut out the gifting and others will do what they can to make it stronger. Some believe that this is their imagination but as they learn to function in their giftings then they will see so many things.

Other people have their gift so strong that they are able to see different things. This can be overwhelming for them at first because so much information can come at once.

People with this gift are often very excited and they will do what they can to embrace it and enjoy it as it comes to them.

Being a clairvoyant can be fun and it can be an inspiration to people around you. Learn to practice and be stronger in your gifting.

Gifts of Clairvoyance

One you know you are clairvoyant you can increase your gift and be more aware of who you are. You can reach your higher self.

You can have more happiness than others and become one with nature. You will get guidance from your spirit guides and can get your answers to the questions that you have in the physical and spiritual life. You can even go through your awakening and learn to love yourself even more.

Where to Start

You need to get a clairvoyant reading to find out if that is your real gift. This can be exciting, and you can learn to develop your giftings.  Look online for classes that you can take and training programs that can help you to find your gifts and to embrace them.

Remember, everyone has a psychic gift, and it is up to you to develop it.

Best Partners for a Gemini

Best Partners for a Gemini

Gemini is a vivacious mutable air sign.  These individuals are adventurous spirits, gifted communications and the highlight of any party!  With all the captivating traits it is easy to see why you should have a Gemini in your life.  However, Gemini Synastry is nuanced and can produce unlikely love matches.  We have listed our three top zodiac partners for the affable Gemini.

Libra: Sparks will fly when these charismatic air signs form a union.  Their love will be filled with wit, flirtation, and grandeur.  At time it can seem almost to perfect.  However, air signs can be weary of commitment.  To avoid experiencing heartbreak, ensure both of you keep open lines of communications about what you expect out of the relationship.

Aries:  This fire signs helps Gemini always stay on the bright-side of life.  This pairing are optimistic, adventurous, and sensual beings.  In love their stellar communication pattern will make them the envy of every other couple.  Their conversations are never stalled or boring, but it is important to check any sense of heightened temper or ego.  Both partners typically feel they are in the right and therefore it is important to always maintain a sense of balance in the relationship.

Gemini:  With all the positive attributes it makes sense that a Gemini would fall for another Gemini!  Together these twinned twins can talk their way into or out of any situation.  It is important to always feel mentally stimulated and therefore expect last-minute plans for a getaway or daytrip.  Again, air signs can be commitment-phobic, so its important to establish relationship goals and boundaries as early as possible.

Crystal Clearing, Cleansing, and Charging

Crystal Clearing, Cleansing, and Charging

People use crystals to quiet the mind, body, and soul believing that crystals act on an energetic level to send vibrations into the world. These crystals can travel long distances to get from original source to seller, each hand-off exposing the stone to new energies. This can allow the crystal to absorb random energy from the holder. This may misalign with your needs for the crystal. When used for healing, crystals absorb the negativity you are trying to release which is why cleaning them is of such importance. Keep reading to learn the most common methods for cleaning and how to align your chosen crystals with your intention.

  • Running Water – Water is believed to neutralize stored energy and return it to the earth. Although the use of natural running water is best, rinsing under a faucet can also be effective. Whatever the source, the stone needs to be fully submerged for one minute and patted dry when complete. This is ideal for hard stones like quartz, but should be avoided for stones that are soft or brittle like kyanite or halite.
  • Salt Water – Salt has historically been used to absorb unwanted energy and banish all forms of negativity. If you are close to an ocean, collect a bowl of fresh salt water or mix a tablespoon of sea, table, or rock salt into a bowl of water and submerge the stone fully. Soak the stone for a few hours to a few days at your discretion, rinse, then pat dry. Perfect for hard stones like amethyst, but not soft or porous stones like angelite, calcite, or malachite.
  • Brown Rice – To draw out negativity, brown rice can be effective. It is best for protective stones like black tourmaline. Fill a bowl with dry brown rice and bury the stone, leaving it for 24 hours. When complete, dispose of the rice immediately because it is believed to have absorbed the negativity of the stone. This can be used for any stone type.
  • Natural Light – Ritual cleansing is often centered around certain solar or lunar cycles, but you can set a stone out anytime in order to cleanse and recharge it. It is best to set the stone out before nightfall and bring it in before 11 AM because direct sunlight can weather the surface. If possible, place it directly on the earth, but ensure it will not be bothered by wildlife or other people. After this cleansing, rinse it quickly and pat it dry. This takes about 12 hours and is appropriate for most tumbled stones, but those like amethyst, selenite, or halite may be damaged by sunlight or weather.
  • Sage – Sage is a sacred plant with healing properties. Smudging your stone is believed to clear negative vibrations to restore natural energy. To do this, you need a firesafe bowl, a lighter, and sage. Smudging is best done outdoors, but if doing it indoors, do so near an open window so the smoke can carry the negative energy outside. Ignite the sage and place it in your nondominant hand. Hold your crystal in the other hand and pass it through the smoke, allowing it to be enveloped for about 30 seconds. Hold the stone in the smoke longer if you feel it is needed. This is appropriate for any stone type.
  • Sound – Sound healing is the use of a single tone to wash over an area to bring the same vibration of the tone. This is accomplished through singing bowls, chanting, a bell, or a tuning fork. The key is the sound, not the note, but it must be loud enough to encompass the stone. This is ideal for those with large collections. Emit the tone for 5-10 minutes for any stone type.
  • Larger Stone – Large clusters of quartz, amethyst geodes, and other larger stones can be used to clear smaller stones. Place the stone inside or on top of the cluster and leave for 24 hours. This is fine for any smaller stone type.
  • Smaller Stones – Clear quartz, carnelian, and hematite have an overall clearing effect, but are typically smaller so you may need several to clear other stones. Place the clearing stones into a small bowl and place the stone to be restored on top for 24 hours. Fine for all stone types.
  • Breath – Breathwork can be used for cleansing. Hold the stone, any smaller stone, in your dominant hand. Focus on the intention and inhale deeply. Bring the stone close to your face and exhale in short, forceful breaths through the nose and onto the stone. Do this for about 30 seconds for each stone.
  • Visualization – This is considered the safest way to cleanse a stone, but some find it intimidating. The more attuned you are to the sense of self, the easier it is to direct this energy to the stone. Though it only takes about a minute per stone, you need to ground yourself and center your energy before picking up the stone and visualizing your hands filled with white, radiating light. Feel the light grow brighter and the impurities flushing out, the stone shining brighter with renewed and refreshed purpose. Continue until the stone’s energy feels like it has shifted.

Programming a Crystal

Crystals are said to have innate healing properties, but taking time to set an intention for the stone can help you connect to its energy and restore a personal sense of purpose. Hold the stone in your hand as you meditate or let it rest on your third eye. Envision the stone’s energy merging with your own and ask it for assistance in working through your current issue. Thank the stone as you spend time in meditation.

You can also activate your crystal when it seems to have lost its shine. Lend the stone your own energy by speaking, singing, or sending it some vital life force through breath. Take it outdoors with you to soak up natural energy. You can also surround it by energetic counterparts to revive the stone.

Quick Tips

Some wonder how often to cleanse stones and a good rule of thumb is once a month, but more often if they are heavily used. The best method of cleansing is whatever resonates with you personally. You will know a stone is cleansed when it feels energetically lighter to touch. Store stones in mindful places near plants or windows to absorb natural energy. When we care for crystals, we are also taking care of ourselves.

Implications of Planetary Misalignment

Planetary Misalignment

The term “out of bound” goes beyond the sport metaphors to the world of astrology.  Planet that are misaligned can impact us both positively and negatively.  The last astrologer, KT Boehrer, coined the term “out of bounds” in relation to the latitude of planets to the equator and sun’s movement.  An Out of Bounds (OOB) planet’s declination exceeds 23 degrees 27 minutes either North or South of the equator.  The more OOB planets a person has in their natal chart and the further the declination of each planet, the more creativity they possess and the greater their interests are from the societal norms.

These differences can be either positive or negative.  Positively, OOB planets create visionaries, inspirers, originators and people full of freedom of thought and action.  Conversely, the negatives of OOB planets include abnormal thoughts or feelings, mental instability and disregard for law and order.  Typically, people with multiple OOB planets feel misunderstood and not valued by society.  Thankfully, this can often result in them bringing great innovation and fresh ideas to humanity.

OOB planet fun facts

  • The sun, Saturn and Neptune will never be Out of Bounds, and Jupiter seldom goes OOB
  • The moon is most commonly is OOB and can reach a maximum of almost 29 degrees about every 19 years.
  • Out of Bounds planet can affect a generation! Uranus and Pluto rarely exceed 23 degrees 27 minutes, but when they do it can last for a generation.
  • Out of Bounds planet individuals create a lasting impact on the world in both positive and negative regards.
  • Having a planet go out of the bounds means it is no longer governed by the sun. When this happens, the planet can behave mischievously!

Recognizing if you have any Out of Bounds planets

The simplest method is to find a free natal chart service online and plug in the necessary data.

The positives and negatives of OOB planets

People with OOB planets love to challenge social norms in both positive and negative ways.  In his article, The Out-of-Bounds Moons, Steven Forrest highlights nine common manifestations and provides examples.  We have listed four frequently occurring categories and examples:

  • Choosing to leave conventions: These people desire to shed the shackles of rules and expectations that society gives.  This includes ignoring society’s concept of their gender, age, or habits.  One example is Cat Stevens, a 1960s era musician that gave up his fame to follow his Muslim faith
  • Geniuses: People like Elon Musk that thinks outside the box.
  • Eccentrics: People that march to the beat of their own drum like Russell Brand
  • Sociopath and Criminals: Think people like Jack the Ripper

Blaze your own trail!

Discovering if and how many OOB planets you have can shine much need light into your inner working.  You can then see how you may be challenging society’s norms and reshaping humanity for a new generation.

What is a Heart Wall and How Does It Impact You?

Heart Wall

When something negatively or traumatic happens to you in your life such as going through a divorce or a breakup or being abandoned by someone, being abused or even being in an accident, your heart will hurt, and your mind starts building a wall around your heart.

This happens because you want to protect yourself.

What is a Heart Wall?

A heart wall is more than an attachment, but it is more of an occupant in your heart. This is what causes you to have karmic problems. The wall that you put around your heart will be there to help you to be protected from more hurt. This is a subconscious wall that you put to keep out toxic negativity and to help you to survive.

This wall is a temporary wall that is there to protect you, but no one has told you how to get rid of this wall once it does what it is meant to do.

What is a Heart Wall Made of?

If you have been betrayed because of a breakup, this will leave you feeling hurt and abandoned. This affects your heart chakra. This can be something negative that causes you to build up something around your heart.

This wall is made up of different energies from the negative things that you have experienced in your life and this wall helps you to feel safe and protected when hurting.

Why Does This Hurt You?

Even though this heart wall protects you from negative energy getting into your heart, this is something that is also there to stop you from being able to find love and peace and joy in your heart.

The heart wall will be there to protect you and it does whatever you want it to do. Nothing can actually get in your heart, but the heart wall protects things from coming out such as your happiness. Your heart wall will protect you from things going in and coming out.

The heart wall protects your emotions, but it will become a bondage to you if you do not get it removed after you are healed. Your heart wall protects you from having happiness and excitement in your life.

Emotional Prison

The heart wall has a very good purpose and that is to protect you for a short time from your emotions but if it stays too long, it will cause you to be a prisoner in your emotions. You have to make sure you remove this after it helps you.

The things that you want in your life such as love, and happiness will be trapped in your heart wall and this means that you will not be able to give those things to other people.

Until you let these emotions out, you will not have the emotions that you need to make you happy. A heart wall is not living but surviving.

You want to make sure that you live your life and are not just surviving to make it through. Remove your heart wall and learn to live a fulfilling and happy life.

Why Are Psychics Asked “When” So Often


One of the most common questions psychics are asked is “when” something will happen to the querent.  When are they meeting their true love?  When are they going to receive news about that wonderful job opportunity?  When are they going to die?  No one have the gift of knowing exactly when a specific action will happen.  Instead, readers are able to sense a period of time one is more prone to receiving this information, like in a few weeks, a season, or possibly years.

It’s all in the timing

Timing is tied to astrological patterns.  Psychics will examine a person’s natal chart to answer pressing questions and understand timing for the specific area of concern.  Wondering about an upcoming property sale is related to one’s financial situation.  Wondering about meeting that special someone is related to one’s ability to receive and give love.  The answers to the “when” timeframe relays action steps a person should take to empower themselves.  Often people overly focus on when something will occur rather than when they should take action to make their goals a reality.

Typically, “when” questions pop up when a person is anxious, fearful, or upset.  It can arise during moments of anger when they can transfer this negative to a person or situation.  Know, that being upset is okay and natural.  Psychics often are gifted healers create space during a reading to hold energy for you and regard this time with you as a sacred and safe space for you to process your feelings and any messages being received.

Universal Divine Law

When interpreting a “when” question, psychics reflect on the more pressing facet, is the desire action likely to occur.  Is there a cosmic connection between two people?  Does a certain job serve the querent’s life purpose or spiritual growth?  Exact timing is dependent on an array factors gelling perfectly with Universal Divine Law.

Timing is subjective

Adopt a mindset that timing is subjective!  A couple may be destined to be together, but it could take a number of years for their timing to be aligned due to a need to learn certain lessons.  No amount of anxiety or wishing will change this fact!  Take time during the reading to delve deeper and uncover your inner wisdom.  Are there steps we can take today to better prepare ourselves for a successful outcome of your desires?  By growing your self-awareness, you are able to transform your state of mind and set yourself up to be in the best place possible when your moment of opportunity arises.

We’re on God’s timeline

Time doesn’t matter to the Divine the way it matters to humans.  It is humanity that has established the ways time is measured and marked.  Thus, this can be why predicting future outcomes is imperfect at best.  Trying embracing a focus on the “now” rather than the “when.”  A helpful adage to remember is “Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is not promised to us.  But today is a gift, and that is why it is called the “present.”

5 Ways to Know You Found Your Soulmate


Everyone dreams of finding their soulmate. Someone who knows exactly what they are thinking and what they are feeling. Someone who gets them. For some, they waste a lot of time looking for this person that they feel may never exist.

Soulmates may be where you least expect. They may be who you least expect. They could be such a surprise that you are overlooking them. You may be oblivious to them when they are right there in front of your face.

How do you know that you found your soulmate? There are ways to know but you have to step back a bit and look at things a little more objectively. You may think you’ve found your soulmate when it is just animal lust. However, your true soul mate may be the one sitting quietly at their desk wishing you would see how much they adore you.

There are signs to identify your soulmate. Here are five:

  1. You are changed for the better.

The movie As Good As It Gets demonstrates an unusual love between Helen Hunt and Jack Nicholson. Their relationship is rather tumultuous until he reveals the impact she had on him. He describes that he once didn’t always take his pills. Now, he takes them every day.

“You make me want to be a better man,” he said to her.

If someone in your life makes you want to be a better person, to do things better, to achieve more, it could very well be that person is your soulmate.

  1. Your Life Will Never Be the Same

Time is divided into two periods – BC and AC. While scientists have specific official names for these periods, most conventional thinking considers them to be “before Christ” and “after Christ.” It is thought that it is Jesus Christ that changed the world to the point that he changed how we determined time.

Those who have met their soulmate know their life will never be the same. The presence of this person will forever change you. You see life differently because of them and life wouldn’t go back to the way it was even if they left.

  1. There Is More Than Physical Attraction

Some people get confused about relationships because they feel so must physical chemistry that they believe this must be “the one.” It is possible to have an incredible magnetism for someone completely wrong for you.

Your connection will go much deeper with a soulmate. Sure, the physical is there but it seems like there is a soul connection too. You have to feel a love flow through you to them and, at times, feel like you will burst with love. This is a sign of a soul connection.

You seem to know each other’s needs and that goes beyond sex. There is a mental understanding and both seem to know when to give, what to give and when to stand back. You just know.

  1. Distance Does Make the Heart Grow Fonder

Neither of you has a problem with distance. Trust is there and both of you respect boundaries. Yet, you miss each other incredibly when you are apart and long to be together again. You are the happiest thinking about reuniting and reunions allow for sparks to fly and fireworks to explode.

  1. Both of You Seem to Know Everything

It felt as if you had always known each other even upon first meeting. It felt familiar, natural, comfortable. The fates have worked their magic and the two of you found each other.

These are some of the feelings you have when your soulmate arrives. You tend to almost know what each other is thinking and often say the same thought at the same time or do things at the same time.

Some of this may happen immediately and some may happen over time. Either way, it indicates there is a bond that goes beyond the natural realm.